Stacey Robb has lived and travelled in various areas within Canada, always coming back to her rural hometown area of Wilton, Ontario. She paints land -, water-, skyscapes and flora using watercolours in a more abstracted manner trying to convey the peaceful, calm connectedness that she feels to areas where she has lived and visited. Stacey’s formal education is as a research Biologist in freshwater ecology and in Education. After spending numerous years of research and hours making observations of nature in the environment around her, she is trying to bring her love of these areas to her audience. Stacey creates to express the enjoyment of how she feels and to share that connection with her audience through her artistic style. She expresses her emotions and connections to her subject through her enjoyment and choice of colours, textures, brush strokes, curiosity and adventure. Her art pieces use not only transparent but also granulating watercolours to convey naturalized elements within the scene. She works hard to allow the watercolours to flow and works with the painting by stepping back and allowing the paint to, “do it’s thing”, allowing the raw beauty of a scene to shine through. Stacey’s pieces that she shares are chosen based on their energy, spirit and aliveness.